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[Other resourcerfid_model

Description: A system simulation environment in Matlab/Simulink of RFID is constructed in this paper. Special attention is emphasized on the analog/RF circuit.Negative effects are concerned in the system model,such as phase noise of the local oscillator,TX-RX coupling,reflection of the environment, AWGN noise,DC offset,I/Q mismatch,etc.Performance of the whole system can be evaluated by changing the coding method,parameters of building blocks,and operation distance.Finally,some simulation results are presented in this paper.
Platform: | Size: 2099122 | Author: liulang | Hits:

[Other resourceMatlab_Simulink

Description: 基于MATLAB\\SIMULINK的RFID系统仿真模型,能实现RFID的基本功能,帮助工程技术人员实验室仿真。
Platform: | Size: 196575 | Author: liucaiguo | Hits:


Description: rfid系统的matlabsimulink建模及特性分析-rfid systems matlabsimulink Modeling and Analysis
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: liulang | Hits:

[Industry researchrfid_model

Description: A system simulation environment in Matlab/Simulink of RFID is constructed in this paper. Special attention is emphasized on the analog/RF circuit.Negative effects are concerned in the system model,such as phase noise of the local oscillator,TX-RX coupling,reflection of the environment, AWGN noise,DC offset,I/Q mismatch,etc.Performance of the whole system can be evaluated by changing the coding method,parameters of building blocks,and operation distance.Finally,some simulation results are presented in this paper.
Platform: | Size: 2099200 | Author: liulang | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB\SIMULINK的RFID系统仿真模型,能实现RFID的基本功能,帮助工程技术人员实验室仿真。-MATLABSIMULINK of RFID-based system simulation model, able to realize the basic functions of RFID to help engineers and technicians laboratory simulation.
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: liucaiguo | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB\SIMULINK的系统仿真技术与应用 薛定宇等著 出版社:清华大学 ISBN:7302053413 -MATLABSIMULINK Based on System Simulation Technology and Application Xue Dingyu waiting Publisher: Tsinghua University, ISBN: 7302053413
Platform: | Size: 35129344 | Author: hrb | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB进行 rfid读写器系统仿真-Using MATLAB for system simulation rfid reader
Platform: | Size: 1615872 | Author: yin | Hits:

[3G developReaderTransmit_20070715

Description: RFID读卡器与标签之间在AWGN和加入其它读写器干扰下的BER仿真,及频谱仿真。在SIMULINK下的-Between RFID tag reader and add in the AWGN and the interference of other reader of the BER simulation, and the spectrum simulation.
Platform: | Size: 871424 | Author: gcshuo | Hits:


Description: RFID系统的仿真 -simulink Gsm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wangyuzhuo | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsPIE_encoder_model

Description: PIE(Pulse Interval Encoder) Simulink embedded model that i have made for my RFID Project
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Adnan | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsPIE_decoder_model

Description: PIE(pulse interval decoder)- Its the PIE decoder that I built for my RFID project. Its an ambedded simulink model.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Adnan | Hits:


Description: 对RFID系统在MATLAB中进行仿真,并提出了方案,和重要的结果。-A simulation in MATLAB/simulink. It not only provides details about how to realize RFID system, but also shows the final result of this system.
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: xu qiaoyi | Hits:


Description: RFID的matlab仿真RFID系统的Matlab/Simulink建模及特性分析-RFID matlab simulink
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 平晓伟 | Hits:


Description: 这是rfid防碰撞算法的simulink仿真程序-simulink program
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: zhangyong | Hits:


Description: RFID系统的simulink仿真和建模 及特性分析(matlab modeling and simulink of RFID system, analysis the characterisitic)
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: rongki | Hits:

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